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Pooka is an ambitious action/adventure F2P game for IOS devices. It is currently in soft launch on the App Store in Australia and Canada. Players can design and create their own 'Pooka' creature to take on their adventure. Their challenge is to protect the Otherworld from the disruptive Gloomfang and rescue the magical creatures from the ominous Gloom. The Pooka has lots of magic to play with and many types of summons to find and develop along the way. It has 3 expansive islands to explore, with tons of wacky characters to meet and quests to uncover. There is so much to discover and unlock!  


Working in Unity3D with some of our bespoke toolsets, I balanced the magic and battle system; testing it on both PC and device to make sure that the gameplay was both fun and challenging. We worked with testers of all ages in-house to gain valuable  feedback and firsthand research on how our target userbase played and interacted with the game and allowed us to make suitable adjustments when required. As a result of some of the feedback we recieved, I took ownership over the tutorial section, in hope that I might improve the UX; hoping to guide the player through visual cues and reduce the amount of text that the young players would need to read.


I created and managed the database for the F2P economy, carefully researching similar titles and proposing interesting ways to encourage monetisation. To maintain the economy this database had to be regularly updated to account for even minor changes in the enemy difficulty and quest rewards.


I also helped to develop and write the narrative and expanisve lore for the game. Lore pages are rewarded as part of the running narrative through the games quests. They are there for the older, more dedicated players to enjoy if they wish; whilst not compulsary to read for younger players with lower reading abilities.


Pooka: Magic and Mischief

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