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Tamoanchan was a team project created for our final year graduate show. It was an original concept designed by myself and 3 colleagues. Tamoanchan is a 2 - 4 player game set on a floating arena made out of randomly spawned blocks. Players must strategically lift the blocks and push them towards their opponents in an attempt to knock them off before the time limit runs out. Only one can be victorious.


The project consisted of 2 stages: a conceptual stage, for which I put together the design document [linked on this page]. And following the concept stage we also developed a working demo of the game. During this stage I worked on modelling, UV unwrapping and rigging 3D assets in Maya. The game was built in Unity3D, since it was a program we had all used successfully on previous projects.


Since completing our first demo we have exhibited Tamoanchan at Game City in Nottingham. We had an excellent response from the general public who seemed to really enjoy playing the game. It drew a crowd and we are hoping to take a more polished version back to Game City in the future.







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